Join one of our events to connect with friends & make new ones ...
Our monthly community lunches are back! They are a great opportunity to connect and meet one another – all are invited.
Sunday, September 29th – after the service – homes across town
Join us for pizza and then a night of games and conversation at the 223.
Please let Pastor Paul know if you are able to come so that we can plan accordingly!
Friday, October 11 – 6:30 pm – 223 Hartwood Ave. Waterloo
Student catechism classes are back! If you’re a Highschool, college or university student, join us before the service on Sundays for Student catechism where we unpack the doctrines of our faith through interactive discussion.
Starts Sunday September 15 – 9:40 am
If you’re new to Redeemer, we’d love to invite you after the service to a newcomers’ lunch, hosted at Paul & Susan’s home. You can RSVP through the email you received or through the sign-up sheet, on the back table.
Sunday, September 15th – after the service – @ the Dunks’
If you’ve been worshipping regularly at Redeemer and are ready to make a commitment to membership to help us build a strong church community here at Redeemer, you can join our next membership class. If you have questions about the class, feel free to speak to Pastor Paul after one of our services.
Saturday, September 28 – 9:30 am – 1:00 pm – St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
Women’s book study: Jesus through the eyes of women by Rebecca McLaughlin.
Monday a.m., Thursday a.m., Wednesday evenings
Wednesdays 7:30pm
Hosted in Homes Throughout the City
CG’s gather on Wednesdays at 7:30pm in homes around the city for 6 week sessions. CG’s are a great way to connect, build friendships as we study God’s word together and build a strong community where we are able to care for each other in practical ways.
Our Next CG Session is 6 weeks and runs from September 25 – October 30. Our CG groups fill up quickly, so please RSVP so we can plan accordingly!