Toddler - Age 10

Welcome to Redeemer KiDS

Our Vision: To make our God BIG and His Gospel BEAUTIFUL

Jesus announced His Kingdom is here and then he showed what His kingdom looks like. He was crucified and raised from the dead as Lord of all Creation, and to make us right with God. This is the good news we call the gospel.

In all our classes we will teach the Story of the Scriptures: a unified Story that shows the God who made the world, loves the world, and is rescuing the world through Jesus.

This story shapes us, and, by the Spirit, makes us into new creation people who live out this story in our shared communities.

Our Faith is Practiced in Family

10:30 - 11am KiDS are in service for family worship
11 - 11:45am Dismissal to KiDS classes

Children are a gift from God, given to us to steward. Our children belong to God which takes the pressure off us to be “perfect parents,” and frees us to faithfully form them into followers of Jesus in the way of his kingdom.

Our children are present in our worship service, and we encourage parents to use these services as opportunities to form them as worshippers of King Jesus. Sing songs into the ears of your little ones and pray the prayers, “speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord” (Ephesians 5:19).

Every Monday, parents receive an email reviewing Sunday’s lesson in the kids’ classes and Table Talk ideas to engage your children in the week’s story.

We practise giving the covenantal sign of baptism to our infants – a gift of grace for the children of believers welcoming them into the family of God.

Standard of Care for our KiDS

Our aim is to create a safe and caring place for the Redeemer KiDS.

We have a Church Care committee that oversees our policy and procedures.

We have zero tolerance for abuse, therefore we recruit, screen, train and support all our volunteers and staff who carry responsibility for children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our aim is to ensure that our staff and volunteers have the confidence and skills to recognize and respond to abuse.

We have windows in all the doors of our classrooms.

We ensure that there is appropriate insurance coverage for all activities involving children and adults that are offered as an extension of the ministry of KW Redeemer.

We maintain program ratios for all our kids classes.

We have open communication with parents/guardians.

We have a policy of mandatory incident and abuse reporting.

We are committed to listening and taking seriously all those who disclose abuse.

We are committed to taking steps to protect children and adults should a safety concern of any kind arise, including reporting to statutory agencies.

We are committed to offering support to victims/survivors of abuse regardless of the type of abuse, when or where it occurred.

We review our policies, procedures and practices annually.

KiDS Classes

On Sundays you will find the following:



We provide a seating area at the rear of the auditorium for parents with little ones, should you need a little more space.


If a little one gets fussy, we ask that parents make their way down the hall to our parenting room where the service is LiveStreamed.


TODDLERS (toddling – 2yrs)

In this class, children have a short bible story in circle time. This is followed by a song, some lesson-themed activities and then free play until parent pick-up.

PRESCHOOL (3 yr olds)

Little ones are introduced to the gospel from the Jesus Storybook Bible,  great resource for small children teaching them that Jesus is the centre of the Scriptures, showing them how every story “whispers His name”. This is followed by a short gospel video and activity time.



SR KiDS (Grades 1-5)

These classes are taught using the Gospel Project curriculum, working through both Testaments. We also incorporate a short catechism, utilizing either the New City Catechism, or the Apostles Creed.

AGES 11 & UP

We desire to support parents in teaching God’s word to their children. By sitting under the preaching of God’s Word together, families can continue in conversations during the week and grow together. Sermons are 30 minutes.

Resources for Parents

Use these resources to help your little ones participate in our liturgy on Sundays as well as grow in their faith!


Use our worship playlist in your home or car to help your children get familiar with the songs we sing on Sundays so they can join in!


Little ones who are still learning to read can watch this video and begin to memorize the Lord’s prayer, encouraging them to join with us in prayer in the liturgy.


We welcome children who have been both baptized and have made a profession of faith to the Lord’s Table.

Use our “Gospel Basics” to help teach your child to understand their need for the gospel. Children who are ready to make professions of faith meet with our elders who to hear their profession, encourage them in God’s love and then welcome them to eat, drink & celebrate at the Lord’s Table!



In our Redeemer KiDS classes we teach the Apostles Creed. The creed is a faithful summary of Christian gospel doctrine that the church has confessed since as early as the 3rd century.


A great way to have KiDS memorize scripture is to music! Visit our Redeemer KiDS Tunes page to listen or download.

(coming soon!)

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