Downtown Kitchener Community Centre

Sunday Worship: God's Means Of Grace

God's call for His people to gather for worship is a gracious command. This is because corporate worship is not primarily about what we can give to God, but is the place that God chose to give empowering grace, soul quieting peace and ongoing renewal to us. We leave all our work to rest in His.

While it's true that God is always with His people, in Matthew 26, Jesus instituted the importance for the collective gathering of His people. The church is called to gather for corporate worship to remember who He is and what He gives. Since the New Testament, Christians have gathered in church communities to receive from the preaching of Christ's Word and receive the bread & cup from Christ's table. In the same way that bread & wine nourish the body, the ordinary bread and cup we receive in our worship services is the means that Christ gave to nourish our souls.

What To Expect

We are a liturgical church. Liturgy means "order of worship". The flow of our worship is patterned after the flow of the gospel: (1) God calls us by His grace, (2) cleanses us of all our sin, (3) communes with us by His word & His Spirit and then (4) commissions us to go share the good news of His grace with others. Therefore, our worship services on Sunday morning flow like this ...

God Calls
Our service opens with singing praises to God, celebrating His love and grace. As early as the exodus, the people of God have sung songs about God’s loving, delivering grace.

God Cleanses
After we reflect on God’s goodness, we are aware of our smallness. As we consider His faithfulness, we are aware of our unfaithfulness. We then take a moment for private confession and then pray a prayer for confession corporately. This concludes by singing another song of praise in response to the complete and total forgiveness we have because of the grace of Jesus Christ!

God Communes
God communes to us through His Word and His Spirit, which work together. The Scriptures are taught through the lens of God’s grace for us in Christ. After the message, the sacraments (bread & cup) are taken weekly by all who have been baptized and professed faith in Christ. Historically, the church refers to the bread & the cup as “The Lord’s Table”. Baptism is a sign that you are God’s child & the Lord’s Table is the sign that as His child, because of His grace – your sin is gone.

God Commissions
Each week as we leave Redeemer, we are mindful that according to the call of Christ, we are called to be ministers in our city. We close each service prayerfully asking God to soften our hearts to love & bless others in practical ways, as well as empower us to humbly and confidently share the message of God’s grace.

Caring For The Whole Family

On Sundays, our Redeemer KiDS ministry is available for children from toddler age to grade 5. We consider the spiritual growth of our children a priority and so we provide Christ-centred and gospel-driven lessons to engage your kids.

We also have a great team of youth leaders offering a youth catechism class before the service for students grades 6-12. (THIS CLASS IS ON A TEMPORARY BREAK)

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